Lights, Camera... Nude!: A Guide to Lighting the Female Nude for Photography by A. K. Nicholas. True Confessions of Nude Photography: A step-by-step guide to recruiting beautiful models, lighting, photographing nudes, post-processing images, and maybe even getting paid to do it.
Product Description
Use Light to Photograph Nude Female Models
This guide shows you how to use light to photograph nude female models and create various moods and effects. From the plainspoken to the artistic, each lighting configuration is diagramed in painstaking detail. Learn the art and skill of using light and controlling shadows from the author of True Confessions of Nude Photography. For those who loved the lighting section in the first book want even more, this follow-up book concentrates purely on Nicholas' nude lighting style with updated images, text and diagrams.
More than just studio lighting. From indoor to outdoor, studio to location, you'll learn what can be achieved and how to make it work for you. From just one light in a small room, to elaborate creative setups, everything is described.
Shoot Great Nude Photos
Photos you can actually create yourself. If you think that great photos require expensive lights, an enormous studio, and a team of assistants, this book will debunk that misconception. You may be surprised at how many ways you can shoot great nude photos you'll be proud of without breaking the bank. And there's plenty more you can accomplish if you do want to invest a few well placed dollars on some moderately priced equipment. This book doesn't promise that learning is easy or quick - your results will be based on your level of effort, but it is easier and quicker with a guide.
18 Lighting Setups with Diagrams There are sections on Equipment, Lighting Exercises, Lighting problems, Outdoor lighting, Studio Lighting. The lighting setups include the use of softboxes, umbrellas, snoots, gels, booms, diffusers, parabolic reflectors, water nudes, and a beauty dish. Techniques include isolation, backlighting, accent lighting, and fill light. Lights Camera Nude! includes an 18 lighting setups and over 80 example photos as well as a link to online bonus material exclusively for readers.
18 models, 76 example photos
From the Author
An older artist, a relative of mine whom I greatly admire, once admonished me not to reveal too much of my techniques to others. She worried that I may lose my distinction as a photographer if others mimicked my techniques.
Contrary to her advice, I think a photographer's work is distinguished by hard work and creativity, and these traits cannot be merely copied. Although creativity and imagination may not be learned, I believe they can be developed through practice.
The techniques in this guide are not the traditional "textbook" way of learning nude lighting - there are already plenty of books to teach you to light textbook nudes. These are my techniques for lighting nudes; some of my methods follow traditional rules and some do not, and I honestly don't keep track of which do or don't.
I do hope you will learn from my techniques, and through hard work and practice evolve these techniques into something that is uniquely yours.
Overview of the Book
Lighting the nude model is distinct from lighting in other types of people photography.
This book is to help those who have tried some nude lighting, but are struggling to create interesting images. The serious photographer who is new to nudes will also benefit. This guide is about reaching that next level and making nude models look their best and most interesting.
This guide is about lighting the nude, so I'm not going to make you sift through a lot of lighting techniques for non-nude modeling. There is a lot you can learn about general lighting that is not covered in this guide. This guide deals with lighting the whole figure in most cases, or at least three-quarters of the model's body. Don't look for information about lighting close ups of the face. Knowledge of portrait lighting is helpful, but not essential to begin shooting nudes.
You also won't find more than a brief explanation of general lighting concepts. I'm assuming that you already know some general photography; this isn't intended to be your first photography book, or encyclopedic. As much of the book as possible is devoted to lighting the nude. A list of suggested topics for further study, such as inverse square law, can be found at the end of the book.
With regard to models
This guide demonstrates lighting for photographing a beautiful model to bring out her best and most fascinating features. There are plenty of books that tell you how to hide your subject's flaws; this is not one of those books. You won't find any tips for making regular people look slimmer, taller, or more beautiful.
What you will find are illustrated examples and step-by-step instructions for creating photographs of beautiful nude women.
With regard to retouching
In this guide I have retouched minor flaws on the models (stray hairs for example). I have also corrected some minor defects in the backgrounds or defects from lens characteristics (chromatic aberration for example). However, because this is a collection of images to illustrate lighting, I've avoided any retouching that pertains to lighting effects (such as shine on a nose or forehead). Although such lighting defects can easily be removed with post processing, I let them remain in order to preserve as much information as possible about the lighting. Just as no model is perfect, no light arrangement is perfect and you will want to retouch most of your images--though post processing is a topic for a whole other book.
How to use the diagrams
Each lighting setup has one or more example photos and a diagram of how to place the studio equipment. Because the characteristic of each studio is different, and your equipment will vary, the diagrams are a starting point from which you will want to make minor adjustments. Lights are numbered, and other set elements are identified by letters. Next to some lights is a height measurement signified by an up/down arrow indicating the number of feet above the level of the model's lowest body part (usually the floor) to the middle of the light. Also you will find a distance measurement signified by a left/right arrow indicating the distance from the front of the light to the closest part of the model.
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